art prompt generator

Art prompt generator (Free online art prompt list) - 2024

prompt generator typically refers to a tool or program that helps create prompts for various purposes, such as writing, brainstorming, or creative activities: art prompt generator

String Generator

Prompting to disclose uncertainty

This is an important aspect of responsible AI development, as it helps users understand the limitations of the model and make informed decisions based on its outputs.

Here are some ways you can prompt me to reveal uncertainty:

Clear signs: Ask directly about my confidence level: “How confident are you in this answer?” Phrases like. or “What is the probability that your answer is correct?” Can inspire me to measure my uncertainty.
Ask for alternative perspectives. Saying, “Are there any other possible answers or explanations?” or “What are the limits of your knowledge on this topic?” Can encourage me to explore different possibilities and highlight areas where I may be less certain.

Focus on specific aspects of uncertainty: If you are concerned about a particular piece of information, ask about it directly. For example, “Is this data you used reliable?” or “Are there any biases that might influence your response?”

Phrasing your questions: Use open and exploratory language. Instead of asking yes-or-no questions, encourage me to elaborate and explain my argument. This may reveal areas where my knowledge is incomplete or there are differing interpretations.

Avoid leading questions: Do not phrase your questions in a way that suggests a specific answer, as this may adversely affect my response.

Moreover: Be mindful of the complexity of your questions: the more complex and nuanced the question, the greater the potential for uncertainty.
Consider the context: Different situations may require different levels of certainty. 

For example, if you are making an important decision, you may need a higher level of confidence than in a casual conversation.

Leonardo AI prompt generator

Creatures art
Creature art prompt generator

Give Scary looks to a creature which passing from amazon jungle . Shot with the Olympus OM-D E-M1X, 300mm lens

Hulking beast
Hulking beast art prompt generator

A hulking beast with the head of a lion, the jaws of a crocodile, and the tail of a scorpion. Its four arms, two muscular and two bony, drip with molten lava that casts an eerie glow on the bloodstained earth. A crescent moon, shrouded in an obsidian aura, hangs ominously above

spider art
Spider art prompt generator

A spider-like entity, as large as a man, with four spindly limbs tipped with razor-sharp claws. Its body, woven from strands of blackened vines, pulsates with an inner fire that casts grotesque shadows as it feasts on a fallen creature, crimson staining its barbed mandibles.

Hulking beast horror looks art
Beast prompt

Picture a hulking beast cloaked in perpetual darkness, its form shifting and writhing like smoke. Four shadowy limbs protrude from its amorphous mass, each tipped with claws that glint with an unnatural, otherworldly light. As it prowls the bloodstained earth, the dark moon seems to absorb its inky presence.

architecture art
Architectural prompt

Create an architectural feel by layering squares, rectangles, and triangles like abstract buildings or cityscapes

Leaf art
Leaves art prompt

Combine dried leaves in various shades of orange, brown, and yellow with sprigs of eucalyptus and wheat for a rustic, autumnal aesthetic without background

cartoon art
Cartoon face art prompt

Cartoon animal face with a playful smile, wearing a cute animal-themed cap. Background could be their natural habitat, like a playful monkey in a jungle or a curious fox in a snowy forest.

workspace art
Workspace art prompt

A clean and organized workspace with a laptop, notepads, and various productivity tools. A cozy writing space with a laptop, coffee, and open books.

sky - art prompt generator
Sky art prompt

Capture a stunning high-resolution image using a Canon camera that features a Serveprompt in a dramatic setting. The background should be a dark, black sky filled with ominous, swirling clouds illuminated by flashes of lightning. The minimalist approach should focus on the Serveprompt, creating a sharp and clean image against the stormy backdrop.

woodland - prompt generator

Four woodland spirits, each representing a season, slumber peacefully in a hollowed-out log nestled among the snowy trees. Spring, a bright butterfly, dreams of wildflowers pushing through the snow; Summer, a playful sunbeam, dances with dewdrops on spiderwebs; Autumn, a rustling leaf, paints the branches with vibrant hues; and Winter, a gentle snowflake, weaves patterns in the falling snow. The dark moon watches over them, ensuring their dreams stay safe until they wake to protect the forest.

cartoons fun - art prompt generator
Cartoon creatures

Two adorable cartoon creatures, a fluffy bunny and a mischievous raccoon, curl up together on a snowy bank beside a frozen lake. The dark moon casts long, playful shadows as they sleep, each dreaming of adventures beneath the shimmering ice. Suddenly, a single moonbeam pierces the darkness, casting a glowing path across the lake. In their dreams, the bunny becomes a graceful ice skater, gliding across the moonlit surface, while the raccoon transforms into a playful otter, diving into the depths and encountering fantastical creatures made of snowflakes

pirates ships
Pirates ship

Capture the essence of the high seas under the cover of darkness with 'Silent Shadows.' This minimalist image features a fleet of pirate ships navigating through the inky black waters, shrouded by ominous, stormy clouds illuminated by occasional flashes of lightning. The high-resolution shot taken on a Canon camera brings out the sleek yet menacing outlines of the pirate ships, emphasizing their formidable presence against the dramatic backdrop of the stormy night. The minimalist style focuses on the essential elements, creating a captivating image that evokes the mystery and danger of the pirate's life on the open sea

bird- art prompt generator
Bird shots

Give simple looks to bird using dark shot on Fujifilm X-T4, 56mm lens.

horror looks - art prompt generator
Horror beast

Give horror looks to hulking-beast using bloody red shot on Panasonic Lumix GH5, shot with 25mm lens.

flower - art prompt generator
Flower art prompt

Elegant watercolor depiction of White Magnolia bloom, representing purity and dignity. The delicate petals exude grace and nobility, crafting an image that radiates timeless beauty and sophistication

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